Exceptional Design
With an emphasis on stunning 3D, ENM Virtual offers organisers the choice of a variety of beautiful exteriors, lobbies and auditoriums.
We hope by having this focus on design we can enable your attendees to feel as immersed as possible.
Event Management
Our admin dashboard will give you the tools you need to successfully manage your event. From here you can customise layouts, populate content and view our enhanced analytics.
As an event organiser you can also assign other admins with various levels of control. These include booth managers, booth representatives and speakers.
Organise speakers in the learning zone to deliver key information to the attendees.
We also offer the opportunity for live Q&A sessions with any speaker. All sessions will then be available on-demand post-event.
Exhibition Halls
Take a tour through the exhibition hall and visit booths that offer information on specific products, courses, companies or subject matters.
Virtual Booths
Allow exhibitors to unveil exciting new products and showcase insightful brand, company or course information.
As an attendee, view and download the information that is most important to you. You can find out any extra information by communicating directly with a representative and asking personalised questions!
The Auditorium
Organise speakers in the auditorium to deliver valuable presentations to attendees.
We also have the opportunity for live Q&A sessions alongside any speaker. All presentations will then be available on-demand after the event.
Interactivity Tools
Stay Connected.
Use our chatroom functionality and instantly form new relationships with other attendees, booth representatives and exhibitors.
Bespoke Landing Page
A landing page is the most important part of being able to effectively market a virtual event.
Our bespoke, beautifully-designed landing pages give attendees a central hub for event information. It also acts as a point for them to register and login to the platform.