Open Days

Showcase Your School, College or University

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Give students an initial introduction into their chosen school, college or university. Allow them to browse course content, explore different facilities and even communicate directly with their future classmates and teaching staff.


Trade Shows

A Platform that Connects Buyers and Sellers

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Allow buyers and sellers to showcase their latest product information on their own customized exhibition stand whilst company executives give presentations in our auditorium.. By using our enhanced chatroom features, buyers and sellers can communicate directly by either text, call or video.



Dramatically Increase Marketing and Sales Potential

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ENM Virtual has the potential to generate you leads like never before. Offer spaces in the hall for exhibitors to showcase company information and supercharge their reach.


Career Fairs

Instantly connect your organisation with potential employees

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By using ENM Virtual you are able to host an event that will pair companies with valuable potential employees. Organisations can each host relevant information on their own personalised booth within the exhibition hall or present company highlights within a presentation in our auditorium. By using our enhanced chatroom functions, representatives have the opportunity to speak directly to desirable attendees, by either text, voice of video call.


Networking Events

Develop long-lasting and powerful industry relationships

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Whether you’re a University looking for somewhere for students and alumni to meet, or a organisation that wants to host a discussion fromĀ  industry experts, networking events are the answer. Our chat functionality allows attendees to communicate directly or as part of a chatroom, they also get the option to talk by message, voice or video.


Product Launches

Unveil Your Company’s Latest Products and Innovations

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Host speakers in our auditorium as they announce brand new products and innovations. Why stop there, take use of our exhibition hall to market your full range of products and connect with unlimited attendees and generate sales potential.


Virtual Conferences

Meet other industry professionals and tackle important topics

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ENM Virtual has a package of exceptional elements that bring realism to your virtual conference. Invite industry experts to discuss pressing tops in a presentation with the option for live Q&A, create dedicated chatrooms for dedicated conversations or breakout sessions and video chat directly with other attendees.


Hybrid Events

Use ENM Virtual Alongside Your Real-World Event to Maximise Lead-Potential

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ENM Virtual can be used as an essential ally for real-world events. By doing this you are able to make your event available to a much wider audience, as well as having access to invaluable user engagement data.
